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Smoky Quartz

Smoky Quartz

Regular price $4.95 USD
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Smoky Quartz is a variety of quartz known for its smoky brown to grayish color. Metaphysically, it's believed to possess various healing properties. Smoky Quartz is often associated with grounding and protective energies, helping to anchor individuals to the earth and provide a sense of stability. It's also thought to have a soothing and calming effect on emotions, making it helpful for reducing stress and anxiety.

In terms of healing, Smoky Quartz is often used to absorb and transmute negative energies, promoting a sense of emotional balance. It's believed to enhance inner strength, willpower, and determination, aiding in overcoming obstacles and challenges. Some people also use Smoky Quartz for its purported benefits in detoxifying the body and aiding in alleviating physical symptoms associated with stress.


Root and Sacral Chakra 


grounding, transformation, absorbs negative energy

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